redditpythonapi package


redditpythonapi.reddit module

Wrapper for Reddit API. Using a wrapper simplifies accessing the API, mostly due to handling OAuth.

class redditpythonapi.reddit.ArticlesSortTime(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: StrEnum

Enum with all viable sort times

ALL = 'all'
DAY = 'day'
HOUR = 'hour'
MONTH = 'month'
WEEK = 'week'
YEAR = 'year'
class redditpythonapi.reddit.ArticlesSortType(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: StrEnum

Enum with all viable sorting types

CONTROVERSIAL = 'controversial'
HOT = 'hot'
NEW = 'new'
RISING = 'rising'
TOP = 'top'
class redditpythonapi.reddit.Reddit(client_id: str, client_secret: str, user_agent: str = 'Reddit Python API (by Electronic-Mango on GitHub)')[source]

Bases: object

Class wrapping Reddit API

Class wrapping calls to Reddit API. Handles all necessary URLs, parameters, headers, etc. Also handles requesting new OAuth 2.0 access tokens and authorization in general.

  • client_id (str) – Reddit app client ID to use for authorization

  • client_secret (str) – Reddit app client secret to use for authorization

  • user_agent (str) – user agent used in all Reddit API requests

async subreddit_articles(subreddit: str, sort: ArticlesSortType | None = None, time: ArticlesSortTime | None = None, limit: int | None = None) list[dict[str, Any]][source]

Get a list of Reddit articles from the given subreddit

  • subreddit (str) – subreddit to load articles from

  • sort (ArticlesSortType | None) – sort type to use when loading articles, “hot” by default

  • time (ArticlesSortTime | None) – sort time to use when loading articles, by default not passed onto Reddit API

  • limit (int | None) – up to how many articles should be loaded, by default not passed onto Reddit API


list of loaded articles from the given subreddit

Return type:


async user_articles(user: str, sort: ArticlesSortType | None = None, time: ArticlesSortTime | None = None, limit: int | None = None) list[dict[str, Any]][source]

Get a list of Reddit articles from the given Reddit user

  • user (str) – Reddit user to load articles from

  • sort (ArticlesSortType | None) – sort type to use when loading articles, by default not passed onto Reddit API

  • time (ArticlesSortTime | None) – sort time to use when loading articles, by default not passed onto Reddit API

  • limit (int | None) – up to how many articles should be loaded, by default not passed onto Reddit API


list of loaded articles from the Reddit user

Return type:


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